Monday, February 25, 2019

Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan

Discussion Questions for Echo by Pam Muñoz Ryan
Lost in a forbidden forest, Otto meets three mysterious sisters and finds himself entwined in a quest involving a prophecy, a promise, and a harmonica. Decades later, Friedrich in Germany, Mike in Pennsylvania, and Ivy in California each, in turn, become interwoven when the very same harmonica lands in their lives. Each faces daunting challenges: rescuing a father, protecting a brother, holding a family together. And ultimately, stories converge in an orchestral crescendo.

1.     The sisters say to Otto, “Your fate is not yet sealed. Even in the darkest night, a star will shine, a bell will chime, a path will be revealed.” What do you think this means to Otto, Friedrich, Mike, and Ivy?
a.     The Star of David
b.     The bell in the shop for the brothers
c.     Ivy revealed the secret door

2.     The harmonica brings beauty to the lives of all who play it, even during difficult times in their lives. Can you think of something in your life that brought you beauty during a difficult time? Explain.
a.     Looking for “good” in all the bad things
b.     Nature (sunsets, moons, etc.)
c.     Pets
d.     Music (audiobooks)
e.     Books
f.      Friends
g.     Television
h.     Being outdoors

3.     How does the harmonica play a role in the journeys of Friedrich, Mike, and Ivy? What is the reason that they each pass the harmonica along? How did you feel when they send or give it away?
a.     They found their passion then they didn’t need it anymore
b.     The instrument found its musician
c.     They were ready to move on (it had done its work)

4.     Compare the lives of Friedrich, Mike, and Ivy. How are their challenges similar and how are they different?
a.     All stories of WWII
b.     Ivy and Friedrich have physical differences (birth mark, race)
c.     Friedrich and Mike had lost their mother and grandmother
d.     They all had siblings
e.     Music was around them all (F had a musical family, M’s mother was a pianist, I found the music room)

5.     How do Friedrich, Mike, and Ivy show great bravery? Discuss a time you were brave. Did someone or something help you be brave? Explain.
a.     Friedrich – he spoke up and took a train to try to release his father, so his Uncle wouldn’t
b.     Mike – he talked to the foster mom about taking his brother and not him
c.     Ivy – she kept reminding herself that not everything is as it seems

6.     How does music affect you during difficult times in your life? What are some of your favorite songs or types of music to listen to when you are sad?
a.     Play songs over and over

7.     Friedrich, Mike, and Ivy are all made to feel inadequate by other people. Do you think they would be treated differently in today’s world? Why or why not?
a.     Friedrich – maybe not have as many issues today for his birthmark
b.     Mike – poverty, orphan, maybe not be in the foster system as much or as long if family takes in kids or other services are given to families
c.     Ivy – racial background might make more of a difference in some suburbs then others  

8.     How do friends and family support each harmonica owner to realize his or her musical talents? Has someone helped you to realize your talents? Please explain.
a.     Friedrich – his father and family were all musical  
b.     Mike – he was supported by his mother and grandmother, and then by foster mother
c.     Ivy – brother and music teacher supported her  

9.     Friedrich wonders if the audience listens with their hearts. How do you think someone listens to music with his or her heart?
a.     If you love music,  you listen with your heart.
b.     Even if you don’t like it, you have a response.

10.  At the end of section four, what is the significance of the last line? “…and connected by the same silken thread.” How does that phrase echo the themes of the novel?
a.     Thread of music…
b.     Harmonica thread…
c.     Music travels through time and is played over and over (written over and over)

11.  What frightened us the most?
a.     The way family and neighbors turned you in
b.     The government policies

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