Sunday, March 19, 2017

Carrie Fisher

While thinking that we needed some “light” and humorous reading for our next book, we reminisced a bit about Carrie Fisher’s passing and decided to read something of hers.  While her books cover some serious topics, her nature tended to bit funny, so we thought we’d give it a go.  So, for our next book, please read anything by Carrie Fisher.  Here is a list that includes summaries.  Since there is such a long hold at the library for her books (clearly, we weren’t the ONLY ones with this idea), we might need to push out our next book group meeting – or pick another book!

We talked about the “Book Challenges” list that’s been going around.  Here is the link to the whole article, but attached is a version you can print and think about.  While the list seems daunting for 2017, I think I could probably complete it for 2016.  Afterall, the books we read do add up!
I can't say we LOVED Carrie Fisher's books, but there were funny moments.  Some books focused more on her illness than others.  Some showed the love she had for her mother and some the estrangement.  Some moments were highly triggering (for those of us who have had issues with mothers).

If you are a Star Wars fan, then the Princess Diarist is the book for you!  It chronicles her years while filming - and earning only $500 per week.